This year give the gift of a Great Outdoor Pizza Oven!


Pizza doesn't make you fat!

Pizza doesn't make you fat!

How many calories does pizza have?  Calculating nutrition facts and calories for a pizza made in a pizzeria can be pretty hard but this surely won’...
FUTURO Outdoor Pizza Ovens Line: a minimal design for outdoor kitchens

FUTURO Outdoor Pizza Ovens Line: a minimal design for outdoor kitchens

ALFA FORNI FUTURO Line from the Great Outdoor Pizza Ovens Company:
Minimalism, functionality and discreet elegance are expressed through the FUTURO Line, where the undisputed protagonist is the stainless steel arch.
Thanks to careful design research, this Line fits perfectly in outdoor kitchens, easily combining with premium grills and other outdoor cooking appliances.
4 Tips to Making a Great Outdoor Pizza at Home

4 Tips to Making a Great Outdoor Pizza at Home

Making pizza is an art not an exact science and even more so at home where the whole process may rapidly turn into a fiasco when you face problems such as the lack of commercial kitchen equipment.
How To Make Pizza Like a Real Pizzaiolo

How To Make Pizza Like a Real Pizzaiolo

Many factors contribute to making as good a home-made pizza as that of a restaurant. Here are four tips for producing some mouth-watering pizzas:

Choose high-quality ingredients

  • Try to make dough over and over again until you get the hang of it. Find the right balance between fermentation and maturation times.
  • When stretching pizza dough, work it gently but quickly.
  • Get to know full well how your oven works.