This year give the gift of a Great Outdoor Pizza Oven!

How To Make Pizza Like a Real Pizzaiolo

Making pizza at home: 4 tips to get a pro pizza
  • the dough mixer: the biggest pizzerias use about 250 pounds of pizza dough per day and making it by hand is unthinkable whether for reasons of time or practicality. In addition, the frictional energy of the mixer causes the dough to heat and favor its rising. Normally the amount of heat generated by the appliance is reported in the technical specs and the most expert pizza makers rectify it by controlling the water temperature of the dough. Home-made pizza needs less dough and consequently little heat is created during the mixing process.
  • the refrigerator: the refrigerator is the indispensable appliance for storing food. Commercial refrigerators are large and high-performing products often going hand in hand with cold rooms. The fridge is key to the maturation of the dough as the cold slows down fermentation and stops it altogether at 3°-4°C (40°F) thus lengthening dough development (leavening and maturation are two distinct processes as you can read in this article).
  • the oven: the oven is the throbbing heart of a pizzeria. Wood-fired, gas-fired or electric as long as it can provide tip-top performance. The wood-fired oven reaches very high temperatures (450°-500°C) (900°F) and gives food its characteristically smoky flavor. Gas-fired and electric ovens can’t achieve as high a temperature as the wood-powered oven’s (pizza is usually cooked at 300°-400°C) (600°F) but they have the advantage of being more practical (they don’t have to be fed with firewood and can be cleaned up in double-quick time).